Thursday, September 23, 2010

uh-oh baby #3!

Sasha wasn't too excited that the first night in their new home, she went into labor.

But Colton got her to the hospital in time. And she had another healthy baby boy, which they named trey :)

When they got home the babysitter had gotten dose up. They found him playing in his toy box! so cute!

The following day was dose's birthday, and after a long day of partying him and uno were worn out. dose left uno right :)

bring on # 2!

Shortly after sasha and Colton had uno, they had baby number 2! They named him dose! Uno had to get used to his little brother being up in the middle of the night.

Shortly after Sasha had Dose she got preg again.
So before school Uno had to get this breakfast.

Uno noramlly got up before his mom and little brother, but after his dad left for work. So on week days he has to eat alone.

Sasha found it an interesting event trying to potty train dose, and keep her focus, while thinking about baby number 3.

And so it begins!

So It started with my sims Sasha and colton Lega.

Colton had always dreamed about going into the military, and Sasha always wanted a big family.
So together their going to make both their dreams come true.

During Sasha's frist Preg. She took up gardening while Colton was away at work.

After her first child uno was born Sasha decided to take him out on the town! It gave her a chance to show him off :)